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Caleb Cushing wrote:
>>  Are we to say that we shouldn't allow tools to have support for this.  I
>> think that it is a nature progression that if we are to allow overlays to
>> extend the portage tree that we should allow overlays to extend other
>> overlays.
> I probably shouldn't butt in...
> first, no I don't want you to merge java-overlay and
> java-experimental, that's a bad idea (well at least for me)

If you think neither should exist why do you have an opinion about this at all?

> second. I generally think anything beyond a personal overlay is crap.
> All these overlays like sunrise, java-overlay, and on and on...
> basically official, overlays that have qa and are pretty stable. are
> crap. they should be in the tree. an overlay for developers is fine,
> you know. where you are working on stuff... stuff that someone who
> wouldn't want to hack on it wouldn't want, because it's too broken.

What makes you think that overlays aren't for developers, aspiring developers
and interested users where they are working on stuff? It is desirable IMO that
all such people can easily be given full access to muck around and learn.
Further, overlays are good places to put ebuilds for software that is more
experimental than what's expected for ~arch. That includes live ebuilds. In the
end, overlays have a (far) lower level of guaranteed quality than the main tree,
for their ebuilds.

> but one of the few good things about gentoo, in relation to other
> distro's, 1 tree no repos, continues to fall further and further
> apart.

The only thing I see is that the flow of ebuilds from overlays into the main
tree, when they and their software have reached sufficient quality, is sometimes
slow because of lack of developer manpower. For example, Common Lisp is almost
entirely maintained in the lisp overlay and I have the impression that the
Haskell team is having similar issues with many of their former developers no
longer working on Gentoo.

I might even argue that Funtoo is one big overlay. When your own ability to
contribute directly depends on an overlay, then why are you arguing against
other people's overlays?


- --
Sarcasm puts the iron in irony, cynicism the steel.

Marijn Schouten (hkBst), Gentoo Lisp project, Gentoo ML
<http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-{lisp,ml} on FreeNode
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