On Sat, 2009-05-02 at 18:17 +0200, Mounir Lamouri wrote:
> I think the code can be considered GPL-2 (i will check if there is no
> header specifying something else) and for the fonts, I will have to add
> 2 licenses not in the tree at the moment.
> But what to do with the songs ? I suppose it's not the first GPL game
> having "non very clear" license about data. How games team is managing
> that ?

The fonts license seems to be the same as licenses/BitstreamVera which
is in-tree.

As for the songs, does it make sense to put that in a separate package
that the code package depends on? The package can have the restrictive
license it is distributed under and RESTRICT="mirror bindist".

-- Arun

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