On Monday 04 May 2009 00:26:13 Peter Faraday Weller wrote:
> Hi,
> I've enjoyed my time with Gentoo, mostly... But these days I've just got
> too demotivated to work on it. I might have stayed if Ken69267 posted me
> some Lifesavers, but he didn't. :(
> On a more serious note, the problem seems to be the complete lack of
> management in the required places, Gentoo is fast becoming
>I might consider coming back.
Indeed Gentoo has several problems. But we should stay together and try to 
deal with them. I 've been around as a dev for 3 months and I think 4-5 devs 
retired since then because of all the 'Gentoo anarchy' etc. So please stay and 
help us all solve those issues. I am pretty sure that you are not the only one 
who's having those thoughts.
Markos Chandras (hwoarang)
Gentoo Linux Developer [KDE/Qt/Sound/Sunrise]
Web: http://hwoarang.silverarrow.org

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