On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Steve Dommett<st...@st4vs.net> wrote:
> I'm no Python programmer,  and I haven't even read the code involved,  but in
> the interests of minimising duplication of effort,  I thought you'd be
> interested to know that Sabayon,  a Gentoo based binary distro,  look like
> they may be one step ahead of you on this one:
> http://gitweb.sabayon.org/?p=playground/packagekit-entropy.git;a=summary

It's a stub import (no real code). And the git import is also done
incorrectly, he's imported .libs/ and .deps/ which are build-time
files. So, I'd say he looked at *this* project and decided to try
writing a backend for Entropy as well.

~Nirbheek Chauhan

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