Hello again!

I have set up a test server of the current stats code.  If you have a
minute to check it out that would rock.  I'm very interested in overall
feedback and bug reports.

To check it out please do as following:

0)  Make sure you have these packages installed:

1)  Check out the code
        # git clone git://git.goodpoint.de/smolt-gentoo.git
        # cd smolt-gentoo/client
        # git checkout --track -b gentoo origin/gentoo

2)  Verify my server is running at the very moment by browsing to

3)  Run the client  (which asks and shows details before submission)
        # python sendProfile.py \

Please note that a summary update is triggered manually so gentoo.html
will not update instantly.  You can ping me on Freenode though, to make
me trigger an update earlier.

To disable certain classes of data for privacy reasons you can put this
in ~/.smolt/client.cfg

    arch_related = True
    compile_flags = True
    features = True
    global_use_flags = True
    installed_packages = True
    installed_packages_use_flags = True
    mirrors_sync = True
    mirrors_distfiles = True
    package_mask = True
    repositories = True
    system_profile = True

and turn "True" to "False" where necessary.

Have fun and please share your experience with it.


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