Per my thread on building modules and linux-info, USE=modules will be moving
from being a local USE flag to being a global, AND it will be enabled by
default in the base profile.

Proposed description:
Enable building of kernel modules

Existing tree usage:
app-emulation/kvm:modules - Build the kernel modules from the kvm package
media-libs/libifp:modules - Build kernel modules for non-root usage
sys-block/open-iscsi:modules - Build the open-iscsi kernel modules
x11-drivers/ati-drivers:modules - Build the kernel modules
x11-drivers/linuxwacom:modules - Build kernel module

Expected impact:
At least 120 packages will change, possibly as many as 140.
Many of these may be simply the via the eclass.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     :
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