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Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> Yes, a warning with using /proc/config.gz.
> I missed a bit for the config option.
> If there is NO source of the config data, what do we do?
> Error out or more warnings?

Well, if we can't determine whether a config option's set or not, if
it's not critical (ie, it's ~CHECK), then we warn.  If there's any hard
checks, then we error out I suppose.

> This is what I use for my home workstation:
> /etc/portage/profile/virtuals:virtual/linux-sources sys-kernel/git-sources
> /etc/portage/profile/virtuals:virtual/alsa sys-kernel/git-sources
> /etc/portage/profile/package.provided:sys-kernel/git-sources-2.6.30
> Saves having any fake package like that.

Ah cunning, I'll have to try that...

> Want to lend a hand fixing up the ebuilds then? I'll work on the eclass 
> sources
> check.

Sure, as long as I sure I know how we're fixing them, I'd be glad to
help.  5:)  I'd just be fixing the userspace ones to make sure they're
~CHECK or would I be doing something else as well?  Also should I do
that via bugs and a week's grace period, or would you recommend I just
dive right in?

> There IS still a point of having the entirely empty kernel package installed:
> - Split userspace/kernel packages where the userspace package has a dependency
>   on the module-providing package. 
> - other packages that might have a dependency on the module-providing package.
> - /etc/modprobe.d/ files.
> USE=-modules will ONLY block files installed to /lib/modules/.

Ok, presumably USE=-modules will also stop the kernel checks, otherwise
the following could occur.  Let's say the foobar package builds external
modules and explicitly requires that foobar not be set in the kernel.
With USE=-modules, there's no internal version and there's no external
version, but the kernel package is installed, and the deps are happy,
even though they'll bug out when it's showtime.

Presumably there's also packages that aren't split, or depended on,
where not installing the modules is never a good idea.  Is there still a
way to disable the USE flag, or will it be a requirement of the
linux-mod package?

> I'm not sure we can get away with USE-defaults for this change, due to the
> amount of EAPI=0 stuff that will be changing, so it'll be in
> profiles/base/make.defaults instead.

That's fine, just so long as it's on and not off, I don't mind what
system we use to do it.  5:)

Mike  5:)
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