> Someone here want people install paludis? because when I've switched to
> python 3.0 just out of curiosity, it broke totally that python written
> package manager who is portage.
> So another package manager was needed to re-install a sane portage.

No it wasn't. [1]  You just didn't know that ( which is completely 
understandable ).  Just as you must not have understood the implications of 
emerge -C python:2.6.  I don't want to be mean but would you like to enlighten 
us as to how you managed to unemerge python:2.6 while using python3 when 
portage didn't work with python3.
[1] http://tinderbox.dev.gentoo.org/default-linux/amd64/dev-lang/python-2.6.2-

> Still, do you really want to have it in tree as stable? Really?

Yes really.

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