* Tomáš Chvátal <scarab...@gentoo.org>:
> I think it is not required
> EXPF="src_compile src_test src_install" <- definition, also nulls anything 
> what was in it before :]
> case ${EAPI:-0} in                     
>         2) EXPF="${EXPF} src_configure" ;;
>         1|0) ;;                           
>         *) die "Unknown EAPI, Bug eclass maintainers." ;;
> esac                                                     

And later in cmake-utils_src_compile you use:
| has src_configure ${EXPF} || cmake-utils_src_configure

What will happen if an EAPI=2 ebuild inherits cmake-utils and another eclass
also using EXPF that does not EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_configure and the
ebuild uses cmake-utils_src_compile?

It will call cmake-utils_src_configure during src_configure and later in
cmake-utils_src_compile it will run cmake-utils_src_configure again,
won't it?

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