>>>>> On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, Maciej Mrozowski wrote:

> Because SCM bootstrap is either not used at all, or used very
> rarely, there's suggestion to:
> - either drop it
> - or (preferably) to make SCM eclasses export src_prepare only on
>   specific request
> - or to make it easier - to not export it at all - thus making it
>   required for developer to intentionally invoke
>   ${ECLASS}_src_prepare if bootstrapping is required.

Not a good idea, IMHO. In pre-EAPI-2, the SCM eclasses shadow
src_unpack of base.eclass, so also no autopatching of base.eclass
takes place. If we now change it _not_ to export src_prepare, then
there may be surprises when bumping an ebuild to EAPI-2.

Besides, most SCM eclasses (at least cvs, subversion, git and bzr)
have their own autopatch facility running in src_prepare (before
bootstrap). Why would one need _both_ this and the one in base.eclass?


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