Thomas Sachau wrote:
> Hi together,
> as announced in a previous mail, i created a fork of portage, which has 
> support to create 32bit libs
> during compile phase for 64bit platforms (currently amd64 tested, ppc64 
> untested).
> In short, it does execute every src_* phase twice with keeping a workdir for 
> every ABI and saving
> some default environment vars (like *FLAGS). Since the current ABI is the 
> last one in this order,
> the 64bit phase will overwrite everthing from 32bit phase except those parts, 
> which have a different
> install location, so mostly libs, which go in lib32 instead of lib64.
> A current ebuild and docs for using it are currently in the portage-multilib 
> branch of the multilib
> overlay.
> I asked zmedico about inclusion into the main svn tree of portage, but he 
> requested a council ok
> before he would be accepting it. So this is my request for discussion and ok 
> (in tomorrows or the
> following meeting) from the council.

I won't have enough time to investigate this before the meeting tomorrow
so I won't be putting up a vote for it on the agenda. We can discuss it
during the open floor if there's time.


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