On Sunday 08 November 2009 11:42:31 Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> >>>>> On Sun, 8 Nov 2009, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> >> "The first subsection, pkg, is the package name, which should only
> >> contain lowercase letters, the digits 0-9, and any number of single
> >> hyphen (-), underscore (_) or plus (+) characters."
> >
> > try quoting from the PMS which has been council approved
> That's not a contradiction.
> There are several places where the devmanual is more restrictive than
> PMS.

and in this case, the devmanual is irrelevant and should be deleted

> Of course the package manager must accept capital letters in
> names.

right, because we've always had mixed case in the tree and anything that 
parses the tree/ebuilds must support both if it has any chance of working.  
this isnt going to change.

> That doesn't necessarily imply that they should be used all
> over the tree.

if it makes maintaining a package easier (as appears to be the case for Joe), 
then there's no technical reason whatsoever to tell him otherwise.  if you 
dislike mixed case, then dont use it.  but Joe is free to do so.

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