* "Robin H. Johnson" <robb...@gentoo.org>:
> The GLEP on Individual developer signing has not made it into a Draft
> yet.
> But you can view the very brief version here:
> http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/gentoo/users/robbat2/tree-signing-gleps/02-developer-process-security?view=markup


> > 2.  Every developer signs everything 100% of the time (make it a QA
> > check).
> +1 on this.

In the GLEPs i missed the point where the signatures of Manifests are verified.
Only the MetaManifest gets verified.

So what's the advantage of individually signed Manifests?

The only thing we can check: Is the key used for signing listed in ldap
(and thus in "the keyring of automated Gentoo keys")? Are the keys in ldap
really mine?

Do I miss anything?

BTW: About a third of the Manifests are signed [1]. We didn't improve
since 2005/2006 [2]. The two parties are working hard against each other [3].
55 Manifests are signed by revoked keys [4].

[1] http://dev.gentoo.org/~tove/stats/gentoo-x86/Manifest/Manifest.png
[2] http://dev.gentoo.org/~tove/stats/gentoo-x86/Manifest/ratio_2005.png
[3] http://dev.gentoo.org/~tove/stats/gentoo-x86/Manifest/Manifest2.png

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