On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 09:08:14PM -0600, Ryan Hill wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Mar 2010 12:11:47 -0500
> Mark Loeser <halc...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > > Has QA given their blessing to this?
> > 
> > Absolutely not.  Its actually the opposite.  Until 90+% of the tree just
> > works with the new version of python, it should not be stabilized.  The
> > stable tree should all Just Work together.  Stabilizing python-3 at this
> > point would be the equivalent of me stabilizing gcc-4.5 after its been
> > in the tree for a few months and nothing else works with it.  Sure, gcc
> > works just fine, but it can't compile half of the tree.
> I don't think it's the same.  This is like saying we can't stabilize qt-4
> because half the tree is (was) qt-3.  These packages are likely never going
> to work with the newer version, that's why it's slotted and now we have an
> admittedly impressive framework for making sure python-2 programs get
> python-2 and python-3 get python-3.
> Another example from my camp is wxGTK.  Half the stuff in the tree (even now)
> doesn't work with 2.8, so we introduced a system where packages would get the
> version they needed, while users could use whatever version they wanted
> independent of portage.  2.8 has been stable for over 3 years now.
> I've been messing with the new python stuff this past week and I'm sold.  If
> you recall I was one of the people completely against the idea last time this
> topic came up.
> > I hope everyone can see that this is a terrible idea and of no use to
> > our stable users.  If a stable user really needs Python-3, they will
> > have the technical ability to unmask it and use it properly.
> A stable user who doesn't want python 3 installed shouldn't have it forced on
> them.  If something is pulling in python-3 then that package needs to have
> its dependencies fixed.  IIRC Portage isn't greedy wrt. SLOTs like it was
> before (unless you use @installed) so it shouldn't be pulled in by anything
> that doesn't require it.
> Are we really saying that no python-3-based package can go into stable until
> 90% of the tree is python-3?  That's like, 5 years from now, if ever.
> -- 
> fonts,                                            by design, by neglect
> gcc-porting,                              for a fact or just for effect
> wxwidgets @ gentoo     EFFD 380E 047A 4B51 D2BD C64F 8AA8 8346 F9A4 0662

I think that is being said is, due to python 3 being unnecessary for majority 
of users, due to a small number of applications actually using it, it should be 
in ~arch. Of course an application that depends on python 3, but is entirely 
stable should not be marked testing (to my reckoning at least). I think the 
best way to go about it is to set python-3 in ~arch. As it has been said, 
should a user need python 3 they most likely know what they're doing and 
keywording it shouldn't be a problem.
So my vote goes towards stabilizing the applications that depend on python 
three, in their due time, and keeping python-3 keyworded.

Zeerak Waseem

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