Just replying randomly.

On 05.04.2010 04:33, Tobias Heinlein wrote:
> I think this is a good starting point to get rid of the "some important
> questions are too hard to answer" dilemma that can be implemented
> relatively fast. On top of that I like Sebastian's idea to order the
> quizzes by difficulty -- this means just ordering by the categories I
> just mentioned would be sufficient: 1 first, then 2, then 3.

I am not against this idea but frankly, I do not understand what is so
demotivating about the ebuild quiz.  If you get demotivated because of a
single exam, perhaps the problem is with the motivation and not with the
exam itself.  I took the published quiz just for the fun of it and to
see where I missed.  It is not that long.

What is demotivating is a) lack of response from your
mentor/proxy-maintainer etc.  It is demotivating when you have to wait
for days for each question you ask.  b) infighting and name calling one
sees on irc, gentoo-dev etc.  "Do I really want to be a part of this?"
pops into mind.

1. Bring your responsibilities in line with your capabilities.  If you
are always falling behind, either increase the time you spend on Gentoo
or decrease your responsibilities.  It is no fun playing catch-up.
2. Streamline the recruitment process so that existing devs do not spend
too much time and effort during mentoring.  Objective is to make
recruitment not a burden on the dev, i.e streamline for the dev not for
the candidate.
3. Take it down a notch in gentoo-dev, irc.  No ad hominem attacks and
no flame wars please.  You are supposed to enjoy this.  Easier said than
done I suppose.


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