On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 04:04:57PM +0200, Matti Bickel wrote:
> /me puts on his asbestos underwear
> Markos Chandras wrote:
> > So the attendance to council meetings  is enough to prove that a member is 
> > active? 0_o
> Yes. Anything else is just too hard to measure, imo. If you notice a
> council member acting w/o knowing what the heck is going on, then vote
> him down next election.
> > place on the mailing list. Because I really doubt that *all* council 
> > members 
> > are reading the mailing list in daily basis so they get to know everything 
> > that is going on to Gentoo.
> This is impossible. Council should follow -council and debate points
> pushed onto their agenda via -dev. At least that's my understanding.

But isn't it the councils purpose to lead gentoo? I agree it's damn hard to 
measure. A thing that could be done is to appoint one person to speak on behalf 
of the council and to follow -dev. The entire Python-3 stabilization could have 
used a figure to say that it was to be stabilized or not and state why and what 
should (and would) be done to prevent the same situation in the future. Imo 
Gentoo sorely needs a leader. Someone to bring all of these various bodies of 
gentoo to work together.

> > 2) Fails to accomplish his role by supervising the Gentoo projects.
> This isn't even in their domain. I would complain *loud* about any
> council member interfering with projects unless it's an inter-project
> issue. The council is meant for arbitration and vision, not for
> commanding devs.

Well, the way I understand it, the council is elected to lead Gentoo. By 
leading they have to either delegate to someone to supervise Gentoo projects or 
do it themselves.
It isn't supervision in a "Why is developer X not doing anything" but rather as 
"This project hasn't moved forward for X months, let's get in touch and hear 
what's going on and what can be done about and whether or not anything should 
be done".
Gentoo consists of the projects it works on (and has worked on), leading Gentoo 
must also mean leading the projects.
> Rather than relying on the council for whatever "leadership" you want,
> please just DO something that scratches YOUR itch. I'm aware our current
> technical/social infrastructure is not up to par on handling large scale
> contributions by hundreds of users/non-devs. I realize there's this
> impression that every time you have an idea there's a mob of people
> stoning your idea to death. I have however observed that the more mature
> (read: the more implemented code) your idea is, the smaller the stones.
> And if your idea is good enough, others might use their stones for
> building instead of mud-slinging.

But if the council is elected to lead Gentoo, then they are the ones to look at 
when there is a seeming lack of leadership. I do agree that doing something 
yourself will always be the first step, but there is no way every developer can 
keep track of everything that's going on. It seems to me that the need for 
Gentoo at the moment is, someone who can keep track of the ongoings of Gentoo 
and make the necessary decisions to further this distribution. A council is a 
very good idea, but it is a slowly moving process and there needs to be an 
intermediate person that can do the day to day decisions, and this person would 
of course take the most important issues (along with anything the individual 
developers think should be taken care of) to the council for the council to 
vote on.

I utterly fail to see why there should be any rock throwing. It should not be 
hard to voice your concerns about an idea without coming off as hostile. Rather 
than seeing a problem with the idea, one should look for solutions. And on that 
note I fail to see why flaming occurs, this is a workplace and you don't get 
into arguments (heated debates yes but not arguments) with your other 
employers, do you? And even if it is a volountary workplace and it's on the 
internet, the same courtesy should be shown. I know all of you already know 
this, but if there's something you think might not be understood in the manner 
you intend in real life, then it definately won't be understood in the manner 
you intend on the internet.
And there's something good about that this is on the internet. If you feel like 
you're starting to get agitated, take a breather, no one will know any better, 
other than (hopefully) your responce will be that much more relaxed.

As an endnote I should say that I know you're all doing your best here, so keep 
it up!

Zeerak Waseem

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