hello enrico,

interesting concept.  i'd like to comment on a few details:

 - licensing seems not be addressed, yet.
   licensing can kill everything, it needs consideration.

 - branch and tag namespaces as currently defined have a few problems:

   - versioning:

     - the A.B.C.D scheme won't be fun to gentoo, both
       due to no-letters-in-here and because of no-pre-releases.
       while at that keeping pre-releases does not seem helpful to me.

   - vendor concept:

     - uppercase vendor names look rather odd, especially with project
       names in lowercase.

     - having the vendor first makes no sense to me.
       a "package.vendor.subbranch" keeps all zlibs together,
       instead of all gentoo stuff.  if the project is about
       packages, that makes more sense to me.

     - renaming the concept to "downstream" would make it
       fit better.  gentoo is not a vendor to me.

 - with one git repo used for many packages people
   will need to know how to clone single branches only.
   most git users probably won't, you will need to teach them.
   the PDF seems a good place to do that.

hope to see you on linuxtag berlin 2010, best,


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