On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 07:07:53PM +0200, Pacho Ramos wrote:
> Currently, we only need to set a proper message in ~/.away (as talked in
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/roll-call/devaway.xml ) when
> becoming "devaway".
Related to integration of that, I would like opinions on moving some
data from developer home directories into LDAP. I already placed the SPF
data straight into LDAP, since I needed to be able to reach it from
another machine anyway.

All of them would be usable writable, and other access settings are
listed below:
- .away - world readable (gentooDevAway)
- .plan - world readable (gentooDevPlan)
- .asmtp - readable by mail system only. (gentooMailPasswd)
- .forward - readable by mail system only. (gentooMailForward or 
- .permissive - readable by mail system only (gentooMailPermissive)

The following is the count of how many devs have files in their homedirs
matching "\.(FOO).*":
- .asmtp (44 dev)
- .away (71 devs)
- .forward (218 devs)
- .permissive (10 devs)
- .plan (1 dev)

The mail stuff is important to the mail development plans in
Infrastructure. Specifically we want to move inbound SMTP _off_
dev.gentoo.org, and have multiple machines around the globe to handle
the load.

- we gain tracked history of what these values are.
- They can be directly accessed from all infrastructure machines.
- Faster propagation of changes to .away and mail settings.
- Ability to split woodpecker/dev.g.o up, and have an EU dev machine,
  and a US dev machine. (If mail isn't being forwarded outside of our
  systems, you would put in ${userna...@eu.dev.gentoo.org.

- developers get changes to LDAP wrong already.
        = I counter that they ALSO change the wrong filenames and wonder why
          there is no effect. I counted a large number of '.permissave',
          '.devaway' and '.asmtppasswd' files.
- complaints that LDAP is too hard to use.
- need to remember your LDAP password!
- increased dependence on LDAP...

Bonus plans:
- Maybe move mail aliases to LDAP? We'd lose comments :-(.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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