On 22 June 2010 03:06, Sebastian Pipping <sp...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Arun,
> On 06/21/10 21:25, Arun Raghavan wrote:
>>> My manifesto up here now:
>>> http://dev.gentoo.org/~sping/council-manifesto-2010-sping.txt
>> For all your points where you do not have a concrete proposal of how
>> you intend to tackle the problem, could you please elaborate?
> please take your time to formulate concrete questions.

On reading again, you do have suggestions on how you would deal with
most of what you've spoken. The only one that I think could use more
details (other than all the references to "tone" which I think we
should let rest for a while) is "Opening up documentation" - do you
have any ideas for this process that might help with this while
maintaining the quality the docs team has maintained thus far?

As a follow up question, for documentation, PR, the website redesign,
and templates, do you feel that these are tasks that need to be
addressed by council members? Is there anything preventing you from
taking the ball and running with it if you don't get elected into the

And another one for "More direct democracy":

a) How would you decide what questions go up for public vote and which
ones stay with the council?

b) For questions like "- Should Python 3.x be stable?", isn't that for
team leads to decide? And for the council to resolve in case of

c) For questions like "- Should developer X be banned?", would you be
willing to do this if it meant a lot of washing of dirty linen in
public, or protracted flamewars (and other reasons why we have a bunch
of level-headed people in place to deal with this calmly and quietly)?
If no, where would you draw the line? If yes, how would you deal with
the fallout?

Arun Raghavan
(Ford_Prefect | Gentoo) & (arunsr | GNOME)

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