Ben de Groot <> said:
> On 7 August 2010 02:18, Brian Harring <> wrote:
> > The thing you're ignoring out of this g55 idiocy is that people don't
> > particularly seem to want it.  There has been an extremely vocal
> > subgroup of paludis/exherbo devs pushing for it while everyone else
> > seems to have less than an interest in it.  That's generalizing a
> > bit, but is reasonably accurate.
> Exactly. This is Gentoo. Let Exherbo devs go develop their own distro
> and stop trying to interfere with Gentoo. It is time the council puts
> a definite stop to GLEP 55.

if the council should stop anything, then rude behavior like you have 
shown. I am personally much in favor for GLEP55, as it solves a technical 
problem that keeps coming up and have no association with Exherbo at all.

If you want to constructively contribute to Gentoo, i'd hope you 
reconsider a message like the above before sending it next time.

> > _EITHER WAY_, rather than having g33 get beat down for unrelated
> > reasons by people screaming they want their pony/g55, g33 can proceed
> > despite claims to the contrary, and it doesn't require g55 as
> > ciaran/crew have claimed.
> I for one am a strong supporter of GLEP 33. I believe it is one of the
> most promising ways to move forward. And I hope the council decides to
> get behind this.

I for one am a strong supporter of GLEP 55. I believe it is one of the
most promising ways to move forward. And I hope the council decides to
get behind this.

I also support the aims of GLEP33.

> Cheers,
> Ben

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