On 23/08/10 02:28 PM, Olivier Crête wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-08-23 at 19:09 +0100, Mike Auty wrote:
>> On 23/08/10 18:26, Olivier Crête wrote:
>>> Other distributions are going one step further and are going for
>>> shell-free boot. We should follow that lead.
>> Why?  Presumably they're doing it by writing programs that do their own
>> parsing and executing, which means they'll need a maintainer just for
>> that program and they'll have to go through a few iterations to get the
>> initial bugs out, and then people will have to learn how to use the
>> different-yet-again language that goes with it.  Why not rely on a
>> prebuilt parser that devs already have to know to look after ebuilds?
> Systemd uses ini style files for configuration (and symlinks). So there
> really isn't much of a parser in there. And obviously, they're going
> through some bugfixing right now, so when F14/F15 are out there, we can
> just take their complete solution ;)

What are you actual complaints about openrc? What is wrong with using
shell for bootup, it works, it's fast (especially with openrc's ability
to be executed with dash) and _extremely_ flexible.

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