On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 13:31:20 +0100
Christian Faulhammer <fa...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> over the course of the years the x86 (and other architectures as well)
> has given away permissions to maintainers/teams to mark packages
> stable themselves.  As there never was a definitive list what
> exceptions exist, I compiled a list of the ones I could get from the
> top of my head in [1].  Please yell if you have those
> permissions so I can complete the list for reference purposes.
> V-Li
> [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/x86/exceptions.xml

most of app-doc (ie. anything installing just docs or text)

I'd also like permission to stabilize fonts ourselves once they've cleared
amd64 and x86.

fonts, gcc-porting,                  it makes no sense how it makes no sense
toolchain, wxwidgets                           but i'll take it free anytime
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