Hello all,

As I suggested earlier, I'm attaching an example implementation
of github-snapshot.eclass.

All the eclass does is providing a default src_unpack() unpacking
the github snapshot into ${S}. Right now it simply does call default
src_unpack() and then does a fuzzy `mv' but that can change
in the future.

The eclass doesn't modify S or SRC_URI itself. An ebuild using it
should look like the following:


inherit github-snapshot

DESCRIPTION="Random github package"
SRC_URI="http://github.com/foo/${PN}/tarball/${P} -> ${P}.tar.gz"

# [...]

Best regards,
Michał Górny

Attachment: github-snapshot.eclass
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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