On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 02:14, Ciaran McCreesh
<ciaran.mccre...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> First: how do tags relate to categories? Are they independent, a
> refinement or a replacement?
I would suggest they be a replacement because categories are just an
overly limited subset of a proper tagging scheme.

> Second: which of the following are tags suitable for? Searching.
> Browsing just using 'ls' etc. Browsing using tools (e.g. a website or a
> package manager command). Using as dependencies.
Yes, Maybe, Yes, Probably Not.

> Third: are tags a property of ebuilds, of packages, of a repository, or
> entirely external?
Likely packages.  Though I suppose the potential exists for a version
change to add or remove features and change tags; so, ebuilds?

> Fourth: do tags in any way identify a package?
Uniquely?  No.


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