* Александр Берсенев schrieb am 04.09.11 um 09:13 Uhr:
> Hi!

Hi Александр,

seems to be a nice tool.

I am not a native english speaker, but I found at least some words
that need to be fixed:

* There is no "readed" its always "read"
* And: writed -> written


> I am Alexander Bersenev, I was participating in GSoC this year.
> I want to present you the tool I've developed during this program. I
> hope that you'll find it useful.
> The purpose of my project is to help ebuild developers to compose
> accurate dependency list for a package.
> The tool has many features in order to do it, most of them listed on
> the documentation site: http://soc.dev.gentoo.org/~bay/autodep/
> The killer-feature is an emulating the file system without
> non-dependency packages installed. I call it dependency checking or
> strict emerging. If program builds successfully in this environment
> then check is passed. If no - check is failed and user likely will be
> having a bad experience while trying to build this package if he
> hasn't some packages installed.
> It works fine, I've reported a few dozens of bugs about missing
> dependencies here: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=autodep.
> How to install and use it:
> 1) add neurogeek overlay in your overlay list
> 2) emerge autodep
> 3) use autodep and emerge_strict commands.
> I want to tell you more about emerge_strict command. This is an emerge
> command but with strict dependency checking. I've modified a portage
> and add this feature into it. Actually, after "emerge autodep" you
> will have two versions of portage: one is from your system(emerge) and
> one is from modified portage(emerge_strict).
> I modified a last available portage version from git. It is about
> Portage 2.2.0_alpha50. The you running portage 2.1.x.x it
> theoretically can be unsafe to use them both. I used it together for
> about a month and not found any problems, but, anyway, be careful.
> Here is an example of emerge_strict dev-libs/nss output:
> https://381591.bugs.gentoo.org/attachment.cgi?id=285369
> Missing dependency is founded here:
> sdb.c:58:21: fatal error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> ....
> [NOT IN DEPS] dev-db/sqlite-                   : [u'compile']
>  /usr/include/sqlite3.h                                   blocked
> ....
> I've set up a tinderbox to catch missing dependencies. And it works
> right now. Also, I recently installed desktop gentoo linux on my new
> notebook using only emerge_strict. It is also works.
> Although GSoC is over, I want to support this tool in further. I will
> be appreciate for any feedback.
> Best,
> Alexander Bersenev

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