0001 - i had reason to put local definitions on the top, it is way
more readable to see right away what local vars function has, so
please stick to it.
0004 - Did you ever hear that executing another code in condition is
damn annoying to trace? :)
0007 - I placed it into the conditionals to be clear what is
happening, what if there will be added another if without the push...
0010 - 0011 - I was serious with getting crashes on some packages with
this approach (suprisingly i first really tried to make the eclass
backcompat as much as possible), did you get anyone else to ack this
thing? FWIW it is like fetching new packages, I can agree that
dowloading whole qt or libreoffice can make someone sad, but it is
just few megs compared to the rest of your weekly world update. -> You
are introducing possibility to nicely fail without any simple
resolution why for almost no benefit.



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