I released eucsan-0.1.0 last week and hwoarang uploaded the associated
ebuild. You can now emerge it instead of euscan-9999.

Note that this is only the standalone utility, not the web interface.

I you have an overlay, you can run "eix --in-overlay <my-overlay>
--only-names | xargs euscan" to scan only your packages (and you can
use sys-process/parallel instead of xargs).
Nothing really new in 0.1.0 except that this is the first release.

I don't know what could be added to the command line utility for the
next version, except maybe new site handlers (sourceforge, cpan,
mysql, etc..). Feel free to write some, it's really easy even with
basic python skills.

On the other side I have a long list of thing in my TODO for the web
interface, including:
- Using celery task queue for on-demand scanning
- Better overlay integration (adding an overlay from the admin, etc...)
- Custom commands (euscaninit to build a local rootfs with portage and
layman stuff, scan a specific category/herd/maintainer/package)
- Migration to gentoo-infra ? :)

- euscan on iksaif.net: http://euscan.iksaif.net
- euscan for chromium-os: http://chromium-os.euscan.iksaif.net/
- euscan on github: https://github.com/iksaif/euscan

Corentin Chary

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