Ian Stakenvicius posted on Tue, 03 Jan 2012 13:18:06 -0500 as excerpted:

> ...  if Gentoo's installed on a system (regardless of platform, and
> leaving out the Prefix installs), the filesystem is up to gentoo right?
>   ie, there wouldn't be a need for a particular platform to stick with
> FHS-2.3 would there?  Once we migrate to FHS-3.0, we can migrate all
> archs and profiles at the same time?

Filesystem or file hierarchy?  At least on Gentoo, the filesystem choice 
has always been up to the installing admin, but in context I believe you 
mean file hierarchy.

As for archs, I'm not familiar with the minor ones and really only know 
about x86/amd64, but I don't see any reason the others, possibly with an 
exception or two that could be single-cased as needed, can't migrate at 
the same time.  I do know some of them get stuck on for instance, older 
glibc, for long periods, tho, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to have 
one or more of the minor ones stuck on an old version of something that 
would either need monkey-patch-backported to deal with the new FHS, or 
have special-cases for various packages to deal with older layout due to 
the old versions of one or two packages holding things up for that arch.

AFAIK vapier's the gentoo guy with the knowledge there, due to all his 
work on exotic stuff like superh/sh and the new x32 stuff, or at least 
he's the one that seems most active in discussions such as this.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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