On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 07:26:05PM +0100, Marc Schiffbauer wrote:
> For example, to make that FHS definition be reality there are (can
> be) runlevels that will only boot a system with all basic stuff
> required to mount the rootfs and make root being able to login to
> the local text console. These are the things that make a unixoid
> system valuable over other kind of systems.

There are benefits to the proposed changes, especially for rpm based
distros and especially for non-server settings.  Are they good enough?
No, I don't think they are.  But since forking all those packages is
not a realistic proposition, we will have to follow along.  We should
try and not break existing installations when we do though.

> I do not like the idea to throw away all those benefits just because
> so many (younger/newer) people do not know about the possibilities
> an "old fashioned" unix system tends to have.

Hey, this is web 2.0 era.  Being mostly right most of the time is good

Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org>

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