On 1/19/12 6:02 PM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> On 01/19/2012 06:56 PM, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> that doesn't help.  the libjpeg turbo peeps themselves have said they
>> don't
>> guarantee compatibility across their own versions.
> it's forward compatible, which is all we should care about

Just a note: that'd require me to DEPEND on a recent enough version of
libjpeg-turbo in the www-client/chromium ebuild, which would mean either:

a) changing the virtual/jpeg dependency to >=libjpeg-turbo-...

b) adding a versioned virtual/jpeg to require a recent enough
libjpeg-turbo (but then what about libjpeg versions - it can easily
become complicated)

c) similar to a) but also adding || ( >=libjpeg-turbo-... libjpeg )

With proper SONAMEs in libjpeg-turbo that would be a non-issue (bump the
SONAME on incompatible change, revdep-rebuild does the rest).

> the only thing that's really broken is building against libjpeg-turbo,
> and then switching to ijg's jpeg without rebuilding the package

I'm fine with not supporting that, provided keywords for libjpeg are
dropped (except the 62 slot iirc).

> and downgrading of libjpeg-turbo

I think this one should "just work", or at least not allow obvious
mistakes. See my a) b) c) notes above in this e-mail for possible
solutions and ideal SONAME.

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