On 17 March 2012 01:05, Christoph Niethammer
<christoph.nietham...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello.

 quse -D amd64 consolekit declarative gdu kipi mudflap nptlonly pango
phonon pppd qt3support sysfs xorg

 arch:amd64: amd64 architecture

 local:consolekit:app-emulation/spice-vdagent: Use sys-auth/consolekit
to determine the master vdagentd in case of multiple running vdagentds
(highly recommended)
 local:consolekit:gnome-base/gdm: Allow proper handling of removable
media according to who is actually present on the machine.
 local:consolekit:kde-base/kdm: Enables support for authorization
using consolekit
 local:consolekit:kde-misc/networkmanagement: Enable support for
 local:consolekit:lxde-base/lxdm: Enables support for authorization
using consolekit
 local:consolekit:net-wireless/bluez: Use sys-auth/pambase[consolekit]
to determine access to bluetooth devices based on whether a user is
logged in locally or remotely
 local:consolekit:sys-auth/pambase: Enable pam_ck_connector module on
local system logins. This allows for console logins to make use of
ConsoleKit authorization.
 local:consolekit:x11-apps/xdm: Enable native sys-auth/consolekit support
 local:consolekit:x11-misc/slim: Enable native consolekit support
 local:consolekit:xfce-base/xfce4-session: Enable authentication
support using sys-auth/consolekit

 local:declarative:dev-python/PyQt4: Build QtDeclarative module
 local:declarative:dev-python/pyside: Build QtDeclarative module
 local:declarative:kde-base/kdebindings-perl: Compile bindings for
 local:declarative:kde-base/kdebindings-ruby: Compile bindings for
 local:declarative:kde-base/perlqt: Compile bindings for
 local:declarative:kde-base/qtruby: Compile bindings for
 local:declarative:kde-base/smoke: Compile bindings for x11-libs/qt-declarative.
 local:declarative:kde-base/smokeqt: Compile bindings for

 local:gdu:gnome-base/gvfs: Enable sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility integration

 local:kipi:kde-base/gwenview: Support for the KDE Image Plugin Interface.
 local:kipi:kde-base/ksnapshot: Support for the KDE Image Plugin Interface.
 local:kipi:media-gfx/kphotoalbum: Support for the KDE Image Plugin Interface

 local:mudflap:dev-embedded/msp430-gcc: Add support for mudflap, a
pointer use checking library
 local:mudflap:sys-devel/gcc: Add support for mudflap, a pointer use
checking library

 local:pango:app-i18n/fcitx: Enable support for x11-libs/pango
 local:pango:media-gfx/fontforge: Enable pango font rendering
 local:pango:media-gfx/imagemagick: Enable Pango support using x11-libs/pango
 local:pango:media-libs/cogl: Build cogl-pango library for
x11-libs/pango integration
 local:pango:media-libs/silgraphite: Enables the pango-graphite pango module.
 local:pango:media-sound/abcm2ps: Use the pango library to render
fonts with non-latin characters
 local:pango:sys-boot/plymouth: Adds support for printing text on
splash screen and text prompts, e.g. for password
 local:pango:x11-libs/libaosd: Enable the textual helpers (requires pangocairo).
 local:pango:x11-libs/libmatchbox: Enable x11-libs/pango support
 local:pango:x11-wm/enlightenment: Enable pango font rendering
 local:pango:x11-wm/sawfish: Enable pango support

 local:phonon:dev-python/PyQt4: Build phonon module
 local:phonon:dev-python/pyside: Build phonon module
 local:phonon:kde-base/kdebindings-csharp: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/kdebindings-perl: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/kdebindings-ruby: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/perlqt: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/qtruby: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/qyoto: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/smoke: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:kde-base/smokeqt: Compile bindings for Phonon.
 local:phonon:net-im/kadu: Enables phonon audio plugin
 local:phonon:net-irc/kvirc: Support Phonon for audio output
 local:phonon:net-irc/quassel: Build client with phonon backend
support. This enables sound playback in client.
 local:phonon:x11-libs/qt-qt3support: Enable phonon configuration
dialog in qtconfig

 local:pppd:net-dialup/capi4k-utils: Installs pppdcapiplugin modules

 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-assistant: Enable the Qt3Support
libraries for Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure
Qt3 programs with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-core: Enable the Qt3Support libraries
for Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure Qt3
programs with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-declarative: Enable the Qt3Support
libraries for Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure
Qt3 programs with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-demo: Enable the Qt3Support libraries
for Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure Qt3
programs with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-gui: Enable the Qt3Support libraries for
Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure Qt3 programs
with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-meta: Enable the Qt3Support library for Qt4
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-opengl: Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-openvg: Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-phonon: Enable the Qt3Support libraries
for Qt4. Note that this does not mean you can compile pure Qt3
programs with Qt4.
 local:qt3support:x11-libs/qt-sql: Enable the Qt3Support libraries for Qt4

 local:xorg:x11-base/xorg-server: Build the Xorg X server (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)

 qfile $( which quse  )
app-portage/portage-utils (/usr/bin/quse)

<3 portage-utils, I know they're not standard, but I've always found
them faster/more useful than their e* equivalents I can never remember
the name for.


perl -e  "print substr( \"edrgmaM  SPA NOcomil.ic\\@tfrken\", \$_ * 3,
3 ) for ( 9,8,0,7,1,6,5,4,3,2 );"

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