Greg KH schrieb:
> On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 08:51:37PM +0200, Fabio Erculiani wrote:
>> Please stop throwing lennartware at people. FailAudio has been enough, 
>> thanks.
> The use of these terms is both rude and totally uncalled for.  You
> should be ashamed of yourself.
> Seriously, that's unacceptable behavior from anyone.

You mean as unacceptable as calling C++ proponents "full of
bullshit"[1], developers of another operating system "masturbating
monkeys"[2] and security researchers as "people wanking around with
their opinions"[3]?

> No one forces you to use any of this software if you do not want to.
> There are lots of other operating systems out there, feel free to switch
> to them if you do not like the way this one is working out, no one is
> stopping you.  But for you to disparage someone who has given immense
> bodies of work to the community, and you, for free, is horrible behavior
> and needs to stop right now.

Insulting other people is indeed not nice. A borderline statement would
be the "card-carrying member of the Poettering gang" which was coined by
a well-known kernel developer who shall remain unnamed here.
But using harsh words to describe other people's software? C'mon.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn


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