On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 17:44 +0200, hasufell wrote:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=260867
> However, I don't see references to ebuild policy (in devmanual or
> howtos) how to handle Werror.
> Is there a common opinion on that. And shouldn't we add that to the
> documentation then?

-Werror is unwanted in anything that links to glib, gtk+, or other gnome
libraries. This is because gnome upstream developers have been adding
compiler warnings for usage of deprecated API which, despite being
deprecated, will in all likelihood remain supported for years; -Werror
turns those warnings into fatal build errors, and tracking down all
instances of deprecated API use twice a year (after a new version of
gnome is released) increases maintenance burden for little benefit.


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