On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 06:23:36PM -0700, Greg KH wrote

> So you need to implement stuff such that you are not dependant on the
> bus type.  If you see a new disk, act on it, it's that simple.
> But note, please do not be automounting disks from uevents directly.

  After some more Google-searching. it looks like the "official
channels" way is via /etc/mdev.conf.  Note that this is on a system with
busybox[mdev] and no udev.  /etc/mdev.conf has a rudimentary set of
"mdev rules" abilities, and most importantly, it can also call external
executables (scripts/programs/whatever).  On my mdev based machines...

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug

> Actually with all the hype about mdev these days, why not just use a 3
> year old version of udev (or maybe 4), that is probably what mdev is at
> as far as functionality goes.  Why not just fork udev from then and go
> forward from that?  What exactly are you not liking in udev that makes
> you want to get rid of it so badly?  What is it doing that bothers
> people so much?

  Unfortunately, I am not a C programmer, so forking udev is only a
dream.  As Maxim has pointed out, mdev does what most people need.  The
busybox people do the maintenance.  Given their target audience
(embedded and lightweight systems), we can be certain that mdev won't
grow into a monstrosity.  Even if I could do it, why reinvent the wheel?
We have a perfectly usable alternative right now in mdev.

  My main programming strength is bash scripts etc.  Actually, a "fork"
I'd be interested in would be to take standard Gentoo and replace as
many programs as possible with their busybox-symlink equivalants.  This
would require at least a new profile, to
a) create the appropriate symlinks, and
b) not pull in the standalone versions.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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