On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 04:33:35PM +0000, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 10:45:48AM -0500, William Hubbs wrote:
> > Overlays are completely separate repositories. There is nothing stopping
> > an overlay from using git right now even if the main tree isn't using
> > git. They just work in their git repositories until they are ready to
> > commit something to the main tree, then they move the changes to the
> > main tree.
> What about overlay repositories that elect to be a branch of the main
> tree via git?
> Do we call that forbidden usage?

No, it just would mean that they have to know how to rebase their
changes on master before they commit.

They would clone the main tree to their overlay location, then make a
kde branch in their location. That branch would be where they did their
work and they would keep master in sync with the main tree (upstream) by
running git pull.

To merge the overlay changes into the master, a developer would use a
git remote to add the kde overlay to his tree, add a kde branch that
tracked the remote kde branch, rebase that on current master, merge it
into master to create a fast-forward merge then push.

I think that probably sounds more complicated than it is, so let me know
if you need clarification.


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