On 15 June 2012 09:58, Greg KH <gre...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> So, anyone been thinking about this?  I have, and it's not pretty.
> Should I worry about this and how it affects Gentoo, or not worry about
> Gentoo right now and just focus on the other issues?

I think it at least makes sense to talk about it, and work out what we
can and cannot do.

I guess we're in an especially bad position since everybody builds
their own bootloader. Is there /any/ viable solution that allows
people to continue doing this short of distributing a first-stage
bootloader blob?

> Minor details like, "do we have a 'company' that can pay Microsoft to
> sign our bootloader?" is one aspect from the non-technical side that I've
> been wondering about.

Sounds like something the Gentoo Foundation could do.
Arun Raghavan
(Ford_Prefect | Gentoo) & (arunsr | GNOME)

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