On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Richard Yao <r...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 06/19/2012 09:25 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> We would gain a faster boot process. We would also enable people to
> avoid paying money for keys that can be revoked without a refund.

While I have no doubt that a determined team could make a firmware
that booted marginally faster, I don't get the bit about not paying
for keys.

You don't have to pay anybody for a key to boot with UEFI - you just
need to either disable secure boot, or install your own keys.  I can't
see how installing your own keys is going to be harder than flashing
the entire BIOS, and if you still want secure boot presumably you
still have to install your own keys.

If somebody wants to make a generic UEFI bootloader for PCs they
should by all means do so - I'm sure people would find use for it.  I
just don't see it as an essential ingredient for Gentoo.  If I really
wanted to mess with my BIOS I'd probably be loading core boot on it.


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