On 07/17/2012 08:12 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
>>>> Lastly, don't tell me to read systemd's case for why we should break
>>>> people's systems. I have read it and I find it flawed. There is
>>>> absolutely no need for us to make this change.
>>> Without elaboration on why you find their case flawed, this sounds
>>> like the typical, "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" argument.
>>> While that has merrit, if there are advantages to doing
>>>  something, like I think there would be to doing the /usr merge, it may
>>>  be worth the transition, especially if we can make it as smooth as
>>>  possible.
>> The cost to benefit ratio is simply too low for "lets change it because
>> it could be better this way" to merit making the change. The things that
>> I have heard are going to break existing systems that I have gone
>> through some trouble to support. I really don't want to see that.
> You are still not saying what things you have heard. Your concerns can't
> be addressed if you don't tell us what they are.
> William

I have yet to see any convincing reason to do this other than "RedHat is
doing it". This change will not make Gentoo a better distribution and it
is simply not worth the pain. Some people appear to think that this is
an urgent issue and I doubt anything I say will change their minds. The
main problem that I have is getting them to accept that they are wrong
that urgent action is needed.  I firmly believe that we could wait a few
years before doing anything.

With that said, I have done enough to get the attention of systemd
advocates. Giving you an itemized critique of the systemd documentation
on the list would draw even more attention to myself and I do not want
that. Anything more needs to be said off the list, but quite frankly, I
think what I have said is more than sufficient.

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