
On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, Duncan wrote:
> Now, for worst-case comparison, on the same machine, what's the 
> respective times for a full systemd build?  (I'm not saying actually 
> merge it, just configure/compile, plus see the next paragraph.)

I think my first set of numbers illustrates that: just running
"make" should be a full build, AIUI. For that scenario (and the
machine in question, the factor was somewhere between 9 and 10
times slower for a full build.

> So far, the results are encouraging.  Higher times, but not THAT much 
> higher, with the new version.  But if the worst happens and we really DO 
> end up building all of systemd and then throwing most of it away, what's 
> the relative times for THAT?  That's actually what I was asking earlier, 
> and this gets us part way to the answers, but not all the way.
> Regardless, thanks, this is considerably more solid information than was 
> available earlier, and not everyone has a geode to actually do the test 
> on, so these numbers are a real contribution to the available 
> information, indeed! =:^)

I'll try the whole thing again sometime later this week (in my
copious free time!).


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