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On 09/04/2012 01:02 PM, Michael Mol wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As Sid Hayn raised today on #gentoo-portage, it would be useful to
>> finally have portage able to fetch updates from VCS-es independently
>> of src_unpack(). This could be used, for example, on machines
>> temporarily connected to the network -- one would then fetch files
>> while connected to the network, and perform the updates later.
>> There are a few ways how we could handle that but the cleanest and most
>> universal one seems to be defining a src_fetch() phase function
>> in a future EAPI.
>> In the EAPIs supporting src_fetch(), that phase function would be used
>> by PM when requesting the files to be fetched. A default_src_fetch()
>> will be declared as well, providing implementation-defined code
>> fetching files like they are fetched now. Older EAPIs will simply
>> always use that default.
>> The phase function would be disjoint from the normal merge process,
>> much like pkg_pretend(). In portage, it will be called as 'portage'
>> user if FEATURES=userfetch is enabled.
>> VCS eclasses supporting separated fetching would define two phase
>> functions:
>> - src_fetch() which would be responsible for fetching updates,
>> - src_unpack() which would be responsible for checking out the source
>>   to work directory.
> The 'checking out' language for src_unpack() sounds like it assumes a
> DVCS such as mercurial or git. What about cvs or svn, where fetching
> is also checking out? (This is probably a trivial thing to clear up,
> though.)
> Also, where would the local copy go? distfiles? It's common for
> distfiles to be stored on, e.g. an NFS mount, so you may need to be
> careful not to place repositories there which have filesystem
> semantics that are disagreeable to NFS. (The only example I know of
> off the top of my head is svn, where the documentation warns against
> using the dbd backend on top of NFS.)
> Other common remote mounts (such as cifs) may have restrictions that
> could force munging of filenames, too, and VCS infrastructures (or
> even unpacked checkouts with strange filenames) placed on those
> filesystems may have unanticipated results.
> It may be helpful to have some kind of adapter mount in place, or even
> generate a tarball of the local copy and store that instead. (That'd
> be problematic if multiple boxes were modifying the local copy on the
> same share, but that's obviously problematic anyway.)

All the live eclasses already drop a checkout (or whatever term you
like) of the repo in /usr/portage/distfiles.  What we are talking about
here is separating the "download/checkout into /usr/portage/distfiles"
from the "copy from /usr/portage/distfiles to ${S}". Making this two
separate phases would allow a reasonably sane "emerge -f blah" support
to fetch the live sources before build.
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