>>>>> On Thu, 06 Sep 2012, Gregory M Turner wrote:

> Hello, in my overlay I need to fix a bunch of issues that crop up when 
> implementing EPREFIX construction in scripts due to Cygwin's 
> idiosyncratic, but POSIX-compliant, handling of paths beginning with 
> "//" (Cygwin does some arguably pathological stuff when such paths are 
> used).

> Almost all of these stem from the careless tacking of "ROOT" onto 
> "EPREFIX" in bash-scripts, i.e., as in this (made-up) bash-script snippet:

> ${ROOT:=/}

> When ROOT is undefined or empty, this script will assign "//foo" to 
> EROOT and bad things will happen in Cygwin.

> Several correct-ish solutions exist, i.e., in the above we could change 
> the concatenation statement to read:


I'd rather do it the other way around:

Reason: EPREFIX is guaranteed to start with a slash, whereas for ROOT
I wouldn't be so sure that it always ends with one.


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