My god, I am a horrible self-editor. Sorry. Please ignore the magnum opus above and allow me to try again.

In dev-lang/python*, we use

  append-ldflags '-L.'

to ensure linking is performed against the built in-tree, rather than than in the one in $(libdir). But, this doesn't work if LDFLAGS contains "-L$(libdir)".

We could try to fix this like:

 export LDFLAGS="-L. ${LDFLAGS}"

or so. That would cover 99.9% of the cases out there. But very rarely, indiscriminately placing our '-L.' before every other clause in LDFLAGS might cause an unanticipated side-effect.

The flag-o-matic patch in my previous post analyses LDPATH and finds the first statement that might possibly cause the ld command-line library-search-path to be impacted, and inserts the "-L." just before that statement, hopefully achieving the desired result with the least possible side-effects.

I wonder: do people feel this distinction is meaningful enough to justify actually making it? Or am I just being an anal-retentive nut-job?

If you tried to read my first post, thanks for not offing yourself like the guys who get stuck sitting next to Ted Striker in _Airplane!_


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