On 16 December 2012 16:57, Michael Orlitzky <mich...@orlitzky.com> wrote:
> Inspired by the number of packages being unmaintained -- why not use
> some of that bug bounty money to fix up the recruitment documentation

Recruitment documentatiob? What does that mean?

>      People still think of Gentoo as a ricer distro that's broken all
>      the time, when in reality, it's one of the most stable.

Well that's not entirely true but that's a different issue

>      would suspect that anything has changed, though, since the
>      homepage hasn't since before I could drink beer.
>      It makes the entire distro look unmaintained.
Note quite. The activity of a distro is measure but the # of devs,
packages in tree, activity on bugzilla and mailing lists etc. The
design of a website does not
really say much. Many foss projects still have static html pages. This
does not mean they are dead.

The pr@ team recently did a survey for the website etc. You may want
to ask them what happened and what's their plan.
>   2. Nowhere is it actually spelled out how to become a developer.
>      Let's google "how to become a gentoo developer." This takes me
>      to...
>> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml?part=1&chap=2
>      which as far as I know, is complete bullshit. I should look for an
>      opening in the monthly newsletter? Really? Or in #gentoo-bugs?
Parts of this docs are outdated but this does not matter. Get
involved, fix bugs, help people and someone will ask you to join. Or
look for a mentor.

>   3. Get off CVS for Christ's sake. Nobody wants to work with that. I
>      don't know how this fits into my bullet list, but it's important.
I believe this is Irrelevant

> All three of those problems are boring and will suck to fix -- perfect
> candidates for bug bounties.

I don't like the attitude "pay in order to happen". This is a foss
project, so people are supposed to
see this as a hobby or a learning experience. It is not a job ;)
Things are supposed to happen because they are fun

Markos Chandras / Gentoo Linux Developer / Key ID: B4AFF2C2

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