On Wednesday, December 26, 2012 09:46:17 AM Eray Aslan wrote:
> The current default mta in gentoo - ssmtp - has a more or less dead
> upstream and has some outstanding bugs.  It is prudent to change our
> default mta.
> Both mail-mta/nullmailer and mail-mta/msmtp are lightweight good mtas.
> Both packages have active development and provide AUTH and SSL/TLS
> support.
> Our current mta list is:
>         mail-mta/ssmtp
>         mail-mta/courier
>         rest of the list
>         ...
> As net-mail herd, we would like to have the following mta list:
>         mail-mta/nullmailer
>         mail-mta/msmtp
>         mail-mta/ssmtp
>         rest of the list
>         ...
> If there are no objections, the above change will be committed in ~10
> days.

Would it be prudent to coordinate Gentoo documentation changes with the above?

Mike Pagano
Gentoo Developer - Kernel Project
Team Lead - Gentoo Sources
E-Mail     : mpag...@gentoo.org
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