Moving USE flags from local to global status is frequently discussed
here, so this seems to be the right forum to raise the issue...

[d531][waltdnes][~] grep suid /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc
suid - Enable setuid root program, with potential security risks

[d531][waltdnes][~] grep :suid /usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc
net-analyzer/nagios-plugins:suid - Give root privileges to the ICMP, DHCP and 
IDE S.M.A.R.T. check binaries. This allows them to ignore the access controls 
that would disallow the nagios user from running the check.
net-wireless/kismet:suid - Install a setuid root helper binary with limited 
functionality; this allows running kismet as a normal user, significantly 
reducing security risks

  BTW, I would've appreciated a headsup (news item) on Xorg getting the
"suid" USE flag.  I use startx, and I couldn't start X <G>.  Fortunately,
that was on my netbook, and I was able to Google the solution on my
desktop machine...  I'm
posting a heads up on the user list.

Walter Dnes <>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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