On 31 December 2012 09:17, Ben de Groot <yng...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Happy New Year to all of you!
> Looking back at 2012, I wonder what we consider our achievements for
> this past year. What is the state of Gentoo? How have we brought it
> forward and improved it this past year?
> And what do we want to see in the coming year? How can we make Gentoo
> more awesome in 2013?
> I will add my own thoughts later. I first would like to hear from you.
> --
> Cheers,
> Ben | yngwin
> Gentoo developer
> Gentoo Qt project lead, Gentoo Wiki admin

For starters, I think the state of Gentoo isn't too bad. Yes, there
are a few more maintainer-needed packages than we'd like to see, but
MOST packages are well maintained, we're keeping arch pretty stable
and up-to-date and working well for most arches and even ~arch isn't
too broken. Portage is working better than it ever has and EAPI=5 is
in full swing. I wish we could get started on stabilising gcc-4.6.x,
but i suppose there are still A BIT too many packages that need to be
fixed with it (though nothing really critical now that we've fixed the
GRUB bug).

The biggest thing that has changed in Gentoo in the past year in my
opinion is mindshare. I think we are back in the public's mindshare.
Mostly with good advocacy, a bit with good publicity and even a bit
with bad publicity (eudev haters, i'm looking at you...but i suppose
the old saying "There's no such thing as bad publicity" applies here a
bit). It hasn't really resulted in too many new developers or
contributors but from what i've seen, it's resulted in A LOT of new

For 2013, I don't really think much needs to be done. Mostly just keep
the status quo. It would be nice to see the git migration happen in
2013, i'm sure that will spur many new contributors. I'd like to see
preserve-libs (either in its current state or fully driven by
subslots) enabled by default in 2013. Also, of course, i'd like to see
more developers come on board in 2013.

It's really difficult to sum up the past year and the future because,
over the year, i've seen so many things in Gentoo that i've said
"That's so cool" in regards to, but i wouldn't put it on a list of the
biggest improvements of the year.

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