On 02/02/2013 12:17 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Diego Elio Pettenò
> <flamee...@flameeyes.eu> wrote:
>> On 01/02/2013 23:52, Rich Freeman wrote:
>>> For those who are doing the treecleaning, please do yourself a favor
>>> and point out the actual show-stoppers so that you don't have a war on
>>> your hand every time you mask something.  :)
>> Or maybe, you know, stop starting idiotic flamewars on principles
>> assuming that all of QA is out to ruin your life, which seems to happen
>> pretty often to you.
> The argument was made that unmaintained packages that have dead
> upstreams should be removed.  I explained why this was bad policy.
> This is not a flamewar.


Dead upstream is no reason alone to treeclean any package. A reason
would be a severe runtime or buildtime bug, that needs a non-trivial
fix, but no upstream to take care of that.

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