El jue, 28-03-2013 a las 19:15 +0100, Michał Górny escribió:
> Hello,
> As discussed with ulm, I'd like to start a thread for collecting
> initial items for EAPI 6. Preferably items which are either almost
> ready or are easy to implement and are non-controversial. In other
> words, thing which are practically ready to get on the actual list.
> As usual, each item should have a corresponding 'Future EAPI' bug which
> blocks the tracker [1].
> [1]:https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=future-eapi
> My propositions:
> a) for improving self-consistency of EAPI (high priority):
> - #463586: move get_libdir to EAPI (since it is used in econf).
> - #459692: split the doc-installation part of default_src_install
>   (e.g. as einstalldocs).
> - #451938: provide a 'die' variant respecting 'nonfatal' (to implement
>   custom helpers respecting 'nonfatal').
> b) for improving ebuild & eclass development:
> - #449862: tidy up IUSE checking.
> - #449806: support using DOCS to append to the standard document list.
> - #431340: allow bash-4.2 (may require additional policy restrictions).
> - #273101: explicit variable for no. of parallel jobs (rather than
>   hacking MAKEOPTS).

I would also add, if possible:
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=449862 -> Suggest to specify a
way to query for values in IUSE

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