On Wed, 01 May 2013 11:33:00 +0800
Patrick Lauer <patr...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 05/01/2013 11:25 AM, Ryan Hill wrote:
> > Since people like to start whinging threads every time we have to change
> > flags on gcc this is a friendly notice of some upcoming changes.
> > 
> [snip lots of good ideas]
> > 
> > Any thoughts?
> I'm in favour of unleashing 4.8 in ~arch soon - I've been building
> "everything" with it for a while, I've reached >50% coverage of all
> packages on amd64, and the amount of new bugs is about the same as still
> open bugs for 4.7.
> All in all it's a very benign release that (imo) doesn't need to be held
> back.

Yeah it's been amazingly quiet.  The loop transformation improvements may
only bite us at runtime however (another vote for FEATURES=test by default and
fix your testsuites people!).  In any case I'll be waiting until 4.8.1 until
unmasking it, if only for superstitious reasons.

toolchain, wxwidgets
@ gentoo.org

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