Steven J. Long posted on Wed, 01 May 2013 19:52:03 +0100 as excerpted:

>> Gentoo is about choice, which to me also means "embrace diversitiy".
>> If you want to keep living in your little world, fine, you can and
>> you're very welcome, but also people who want to have fun with new
>> stuff should get the same respect.
> You mean the respect you've shown me in this email, in my "little
> world"? *swoon*
> you hero. I give up trying to be polite in the face of such crap, it's
> more than I can stomach.
>> Implementing new stuff also means making things easier, especially in
>> the systemd case.
> LMAO. You go girl, strut that nonsense like it means something.

> No way, sunshine. [...] Or at very least be polite when someone queries
> it.

Unfortunately, I believe the above demands a public post...

The above is taking it too far.  Please take a bit of time to cool off if 
you need it, then apologize, or if you choose not to do that, refrain 
from further posts to the list.

(I don't necessarily agree with all he posted and in fact had some of the 
same questions you did about optional being made non-optional, but 
(despite the "little world" comment which I agree was going a bit far, 
but just because he did, you didn't have to go one worse) he wasn't 
getting personal to the degree you did above, and the elements of your 
reply above simply have no place on this list.  If indeed it is more than 
you can stomach and you can't at least be polite and avoid going 
personal, you really do need to consider getting off the list.  The list 
has been rather better lately as to their credit people /have/ been 
keeping it civil despite obviously strong disagreements.  There's no 
place for this sort of personal name calling by analogy on this list now, 
and despite past history to the contrary, never was or at least never 
should have been.  So if you insist on taking it to that level, do it 

(Just to make clear I'm just a gentoo user and list participant too.  
I've no authority to kick you from the list, but I can make clear that as 
part of the gentoo community, /I/ don't like that behavior, and believe 
it far enough out of bounds to ask for an apology.  What others with said 
authority do after that isn't up to me.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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